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Cost-Efficient and Advanced HART and FF Communicators

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

We've put together a page that should help you out. You can always contact us if you need help.

We can typically ship within 1 business day of receiving an order.

Our products are backed by a 1 year warranty.

If you are within your 1 year warranty period or have purchased the SUB-1YR Update Subscription or the SUB-NOEXP Update Subscription you can download DD Library updates from within the DevCom App or software:

  1. Launch DevCom.
  2. Go to the DD Library menu or screen.
  3. Click or tap Download Update.  Note that if the Download Update button is not available the subscription has likely expired.  Contact us for help.
  4. Follow the screen prompts for installation.

We send Email notifications to customer Email addresses when new DD Updates are available.  If you are not getting update notifications send your Email address and License ID to

We can manage DevCom licensing online or manually.  If a user licenses DevCom online, they can share the license with other devices as long as they don't need to use the license at the same time.  When a user needs to use the license he checks out the license (by activating the license), and when he has completed the work he checks the license back in (by selecting License > Check-In from the DevCom menu).  DevCom can be loaded on multiple devices, but it is licensed for only one user at any point in time.

For DevCom2000, if the software is licensed manually the software is licensed for only that specific computer.  When the software is activated manually two user codes are displayed.  The user informs ProComSol of these codes (by telephone or Email) and we provide the user with the appropriate registrations keys. 

If something happens to your device such as a hard disk crash, please contact us and we can reset your license. 

Yes!  It is very easy to move the DevCom license to another device of the same operating system:

Select License > Check-In from the DevCom menu on the original device.  Then install and activate DevCom on the new device.

Please note that both devices must have the same operating system.  You cannot move a DevComDroid license from an Android device to a Windows device for example.

Yes! There a many options available for communicating with your HART devices in a hazardous area.  This page has details - Hazardous Area Options

Yes! Our HART Communicator products can perform everything that an Emerson HART Communicator can do.  This includes both HART and Foundation Fieldbus (FF).  There are many improvements as well including cloud functions, trending data, and HART-IP capabilities.

Yes! There are significant advantages of our HART Communicator and Foundation Fieldbus (FF) products over the Emerson TREX.  Cost is a big one.  Easy maintenance and updates is another.  See our white paper - Advantages of an App based HART Communicator

Yes! Our modems are registered with the FieldComm Group and are also used in their HART training classes.

Many modern mobile devices only support Bluetooth Low Energy.  iOS mobile devices in particular only support Bluetooth Low Energy.

HM-BLE: DevCom.iOS, DevComDroid
HM-BT-BAT-ER: DevComDroid, DevCom2000 


It is the only way to get access to ALL the information in your HART or Foundation Fieldbus (FF) device!  The DD (Device Descriptor) contains all the information necessary for the host application (DevCom or DevComFF) to acquire and display every parameter in your HART or FF device.  It also contains the Methods needed to perform more complex operations like Trims and Calibrations.  The DD also decodes device status information into human readable text.

Boost mode allows HART communications for loops that do not have the required 250 ohms of loop resistance.  When active, HART communications can occur with as little as 35 ohms of loop resistance.  There may be enough cable length in the loop to provide this amount of resistance.  Boost mode is engaged automatically by DevCom2000 when it cannot find a device on the loop.  Boost mode requires both the HM-USB-ISO HART modem and DevCom2000 HART Communicator software.

The Cloud functions are avaliable on DevCom.  To access these features you need to purchase a Cloud Subscription (CLOUD-1YR or CLOUD-NOEXP).  Once purchased, when a Document Device is performed, the device configuration data is sent to our secure cloud server.  This provides an easy and safe way to back up your device configuration data.  This also allows the whole team, that an adminstrator defines, to view and use the saved data.  This is useful in situations where team members are not available but you need the configuration data they collected.

CalChecks can also be saved to the Cloud.  This also provides secure back up and the ability to share the data.

APL is the acronym for "Advanced Physical Layer".  Ethernet-APL (aka APL) is a new communication physical layer created by a consortium of process companies.  It connects using a two wire shielded pair that also provides power to the APL capable field transmitters.  It uses Ethernet protocols and in particular, HART-IP.  It is much faster than HART and easier to install than Foundation Fieldbus (FF).

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